Conference theme: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice.
On Day 2 of the conference, 4th December, we are running 2 workshops.

Workshop: Back to basics. Learning from the fields of ecopsychology, climate and environmental psychology research to inform our outdoor rational emotive and cognitive behavioural counselling and coaching practice.
Trainers: Dr Stephen Palmer PhD FAREBT Accred & Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD MAREBT (Acad)
Time: 10.00am to 12.30pm

The workshop provides an overview to theory, research and practice of outdoors counselling and coaching (sometings known as eco-therapy and eco-coaching). There will be time to reflect on how we can work towards developing the practice of rational emotive and cognitive behavioural counselling and coaching practice. When counselling and coaching outdoors is not always feasible, we will consider what alternative techniques and methods can be used to utilise the power of nature and the natural environment instead.
Workshops participants can have a go at using the horizon view technique and consider the benefits. Prior to the workshop they can complete a short 10 minute survey investigating the impact of horizons. Results will be shared at the workshop. Click HERE for the link to the survey.
The workshop will include small group discussion. The trainers have both published research into outdoors practice which will be covered during the workshop. They edit the peer reviewed publication, the Journal of Ecopsychology.
Learning Outcomes
- To define ecopsychology, climate psychology, conservation psychology, environmental psychology and nature based rational emotive and cognitive behavioural practice and reflect on the similarities and differences
- To increase knowledge in the theory, research and practice of outdoor counselling and coaching, in particular, with nature
- To explore how we can start counselling and/or coaching in step with nature
- To encourage reflection as part of the practitioner-client-nature relationship
- To investigate the benefits of using the horizon view technique in outdoors practice
- To develop alternative techniques and methods utilising nature and the natural environment when counselling and coaching outdoors is not feasible
- To consider basic the health and safety aspects of outdoors practice.
- To reflect on how to obtain appropriate practice supervision
Cost: AREBT Members Free (or voluntary donation). Non-Members: £20.
Booking: Eventbrite

Workshop: Self-acceptance in practice
Trainers: Denise Christy & Edelweiss Collings
Time: 14.00pm to 17.00pm
This workshop explores how evidence based self esteem and unconditional self acceptance can be worked with to achieve the clients valued goals? There will be an opportunity to practice self acceptance skills, and to discuss the difficulties encountered by practitioners when working with self acceptance. Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) will be discussed as part of the workshop.

Cost: AREBT Members Free (or voluntary donation). Non-Members: £20.
Booking: Eventbrite