Invited Paper: New developments of the ABC model for cognitive-behavioral coaching (Pre-recorded)
Time: 13.00 – 13.45 GMT
Dr Oana David and Cristina Lorint
Cognitive-behavioral coaching (CBC) is an integrative coaching approach, with theoretical roots in the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for how changes are obtained, and which encompasses techniques that are already empirically supported in CBT. The most important tool adapted to CBC is the ABC model, which is currently considered a transdiagnostic model and underlies the change process. The ABC model has been reframed by David and Breightmeyer (2018) in order to fit in the coaching process. We describe in this paper the new contextual and positive ABC model for CBC and how it can be used in various steps of the coaching process, from assessment, conceptualization and as a technique in the process, with demonstrated results.
Oana David is the President of The International Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching, Director of the International Coaching Institute, Babes-Bolyai University and Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Oana David worked previously both as an internal Human Resources Consultant (Intesa Sanpaolo Bank) and external HR consultant (HILL International) and has coordinated various performance management, organizational development, and coaching projects. She has completed training, internships and research fellowship programs in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching, psychotherapy and psychological counseling at Albert Ellis Institute, NY, USA; Centre for Coaching, UK; King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, UK; Laboratories of Cognitive Neurosciences, Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital Boston. Her interests are in developing innovative psychological tools in order to optimize two of the most valued areas of our lives: working and parenting. She is specialized in personal and executive coaching, parenting coaching, performance management, stress management, and well-being coaching. She currently conducts research projects investigating emotion-regulation mechanisms relevant for the workplace, brain correlates of emotion-regulation, and efficacy of technology-based coaching (i.e., online, using robotic devices, gaming procedures).